
Science Fiction: Books

Ten portals to another quizzing dimension.

  • Question of

    The Modern Prometheus is the alternative title of which hugely influential 19th century proto-SF novel?

    • Dracula
    • Frankenstein
    • Journey to the Centre of the Earth
  • Question of

    How is H.G. Well’s creation, Mr Griffen, better known?

    • The Time-Traveller
    • Doctor Moreau
    • The Invisible Man
  • Question of

    Name the mutant ruler of swathes of the Galaxy in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation stories?

    • The Foal
    • The Mule
    • The Stallion
  • Question of

    What is the likely origin of the plant protagonists in John Wyndham’s seminal The Day of the Triffids?

    • The Ocean Depths
    • Mars
    • USSR
  • Question of

    The monolith central to 2001: A Space Odyssey orbits which planet?

    • Mars
    • Jupiter
    • Saturn
  • Question of

    Created for younger readers by John Christopher, what name is given to the gigantic metal structures that contain an alien master race?

    • Brain-Cases
    • Guardians
    • Tripods
  • Question of

    Which famous Sci-Fi film is based on Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

    • Minority Report
    • Bladerunner
    • V for Vendetta
  • Question of

    Who created Discworld?T

    • Terry Pratchett
    • H.P. Lovecraft
    • Ursula K. Le Guin
  • Question of

    According to Douglas Adams, what is the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything?

    • Love
    • E=MC²
    • 42
  • Question of

    Who wrote the ‘Cyberpunk’ novel Neuromancer?

    • William Gibson
    • Richard K. Morgan

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Quiz one

Science Fiction: Films