
River Lengths

From source to mouth, which of the following rivers is longest?

  • Question of

    Amazon or Nile?

    • Amazon
    • Nile
  • Question of

    Severn or Thames?

    • Severn
    • Thames
  • Question of

    Rhine or Danube?

    • Rhine
    • Danube
  • Question of

    Ganges or Mekong?

    • Ganges
    • Mekong
  • Question of

    Congo or Mississippi?

    • Congo
    • Mississippi
  • Question of

    Paraguay or Uruguay?

    • Paraguay
    • Uruguay
  • Question of

    Clyde or Mersey?

    • Clyde
    • Mersey
  • Question of

    Yangtze or Yellow?

    • Yangtze
    • Yellow
  • Question of

    Colorado or Rio Grande?

    • Colorado
    • Rio Grande
  • Question of

    Lagan or Liffey?

    • Lagan
    • Liffey

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