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Remember some Orwellian quizzes are more equal than others.



  • Question of

    What name was registered on Orwell’s 1903 birth certificate?                                 

    • Derek Wilson
    • Eric Blair
    • Geoffrey Thatcher
  • Question of

    Name the only brand of gin available to Winston Smith?                                                                 

    • Chestnut
    • Brother’s Ruin
    • Victory
  • Question of

    Which loyal Animal Farmer is packed off to the knackers’ yard as he grows old?                               

    • Benjamin
    • Boxer
    • Squealer
  • Question of

    Who shot Orwell in the throat?                                          

    • German Nazis
    • Soviet Communists
    • Spanish Fascists
  • Question of

    Which feared creature awaits Winston in Room 101 (spoiler alert)?                                  

    • Snakes
    • Rats
    • Aspidistras
  • Question of

    Dorothy is whose daughter?

    • The Clergyman’s
    • The Colonel’s
    • The Squire’s
  • Question of

    At which ministry does Winston work?                                                                                         

    • Love
    • Peace
    • Truth
  • Question of

    Where did George Bowling come up for air?                                              

    • Lower Binfield
    • Tunbridge Wells
    • Paris
  • Question of

    Orwell followed the road to which pier?                                                                        

    • Brighton
    • Montpellier
    • Wigan
  • Question of

    Which animals were more equal than others?

    • Donkeys
    • Goats
    • Pigs

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