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Why it’s Aslan! Public House Quiz’s Narnia round!

  • Question of

    Who was the first Pevensie sibling to enter the wardrobe?

    • Peter
    • Edmund
    • Lucy
  • Question of

    But which of the Pevensies will eventually cease to believe in Narnia?

    • Peter
    • Susan
    • Edmund
  • Question of

    When still a believer, which of these gifts did Father Christmas NOT present to Susan?

    • Bow & Arrow
    • Horn
    • Magic Cordial
  • Question of

    With what food does the White Witch enchant Edmund in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe?

    • Liquorice
    • Mince Pies
    • Turkish Delight
  • Question of

    What is the capital of Narnia?

    • Anvard
    • Cair Paravel – c
    • Tashbaan
  • Question of

    Who is the titular Magician’s Nephew?

    • Aravis Tarkheena
    • Digory Kirke
    • Shasta
  • Question of

    Through which portal are Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace Scrubb transported to Narnia in Voyage of the Dawn Treader?

    • A Cave
    • A Painting
    • A Tube Station
  • Question of

    During their subsequent voyage, into what does the cursed pool on Deathwater Island turn everything that is immersed within it?

    • Gold
    • Lead
    • Stone
  • Question of

    In which book does Jill Pole first appear?

    • The Horse and His Boy
    • Prince Caspian
    • The Silver Chair
  • Question of

    Featuring in The Last Battle, what type of animal is Shift?

    • An Ape – c
    • A Faun
    • A Bird of Prey

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