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  • Question of

    The World’s most famous diarist, Anne Frank was born where?                                               

    • Amsterdam
    • Berlin
    • Frankfurt
  • Question of

    By what name was Anne’s favourite imaginary friend called, whom she often addressed in her journal?

    • Jade
    • Kitty
    • Lottie
  • Question of

    Robert ‘Scott of the Antarctic’, signed off with, ‘we shall march for the depot with or without our effects and die in our tracks’, in what year?

    • 1897
    • 1912
    • 1926
  • Question of

    The Sunday Times was one of three publications that, in 1983, published a fraudulent diary, constructed by Konrad Kujau, purported to be the inner thoughts of which man?

    • Adolf Hitler
    • John F Kennedy
    • John Lennon
  • Question of

    How old was the fictional Adrian Mole when he began his diary?

    • 11 and a day
    • 12 ½
    • 13 ¾
  • Question of

    Who started a diary on 4th April 1984?

    • Charles Pooter
    • An Oxygen Thief
    • Winston Smith
  • Question of

    Whose political diaries makes mention of his affair with a woman and her two daughters, whom he refers to as ‘the coven’?

    • Alan Clark
    • Henry ‘Chips’ Channon
    • David Mellor
  • Question of

    Samuel Pepys’s diary documents London events during which century?

    • 16th
    • 17th
    • 18th
  • Question of

    Helen Graham’s diaries form the second part of which Victorian novel?

    • The Tenant of Wildfell Halll
    • Vanity Fair
    • Waverley
  • Question of

    Who threatened to ‘put you in my diary’ when crossing swords with fellow luvvies?

    • Larry Grayson
    • Danny La Rue
    • Kenneth Williams

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